Mobile Phone

Mobile data collection made easy

formhub is built on a belief that data collection and analysis

should be fast, flexible and reliable. And open source, of course.

Sign Up (It's free!)

How it Works
How It Works: Design
How It Works: Collect
How It Works: Analyze


Author surveys quickly and easily in
Excel and have instant access on
your Android phone. No advanced
technical degree required.


Easily distribute your survey on
an Android device or on the web.
Data connection not needed.


Visualize your data as it is
collected, and gain understanding
with our powerful insights tools.

Proudly used by

World Health Organization
The Earth Institute
Federal Republic of Nigeria
Punjab Agricultural University
Data Collection Simplified
Safe, secure and private.
All data transmission to and from formhub is secure with industry-standard encryption. Data is stored redundantly and all systems are backed up nightly. Additionally, data is only accessible to your password-protected account (with the default privacy settings).
Offline & on the go.
Once you've uploaded your Excel-authored form, you can access it from any Android device using ODK Collect. Or generate a short URL and access the survey from a device with a web browser. Once cached, you can access the form and submit data while offline.
No Signal
Built for sharing.
Since open data is a powerful force for development, we made sharing both data and surveys (ie, your XLSform) easy. You can share on the web or with other formhub users.
Open source and extensible.
The code that powers formhub is available as a free and open-source basis. We believe that being open is critical to achieving our goal, to build the best data gathering platform, period. Additionally, powerful APIs make integration with external services simple.
Free | Open Source | Extensible